News How to Create a Successful Charity Event:
September 21st, 2017
When hosting an event, the main priority is to make sure that people are having a good time. When hosting a charity event, a good time usually means that more people will reach into their pockets to sponsor the charity in question and to make sizeable donations. It’s important to make sure that people are getting value for their money and have a better understanding of the charity they are supporting. Here are some simple tips to help you create a successful charity event.
Draft Your Budget:
Before you start any planning, it’s important to first draft your budget as this will help you to establish a realistic attitude and will prevent any disappointment down the road. There is nothing worse than a charity over-promising and under-delivering at a charity event. As you are hosting a charity event, it’s important to make sure that you execute a plan that will minimise expenditure and maximise fundraising and revenue for the charity.
Plan Thoroughly:
As well as setting a realistic budget, you must also have a realistic time frame to organise the event. You must have enough time to plan thoroughly, contact caterers and so on, and on the run up to the event, you must have an organised schedule, as to be efficient and successful. The recommended time frame to plan a charity event is 6 months, which gives time to secure sponsorship, vendor bookings and selling tickets. Other more unconventional ways of marketing your charity events could be handing out personalised wristbands, or other forms of branded merchandise.
Pick the Right Venue:
Every charity event tries to out-do one another, because, after all, they are all in competition to gain sponsorship and funding from the same crowds of people. It’s important to really put in the work and to research new and inspirational guests speakers and themes. As well as this, picking the right venue is very important. The better the location, the more people will want to attend, it’s that simple. Be sure to shop around and find the best location that is within your budget, from there you can build up your event.