News How Did Wristbands Become a Marketing Success?
September 08th, 2017
Every charity campaign, marketing event and festival all use wristbands as a way to incentivise and to unite their customers and attendees. The wristband has become a huge success on all accounts, but have you ever stopped to consider where the idea for wristbands actually came from and how they became such a success?
Wrist accessories have been fashionable for centuries, so using wristbands as a marketing ploy is tapping into a long-standing fashion trend, that will continue for years to come.
The origins of wristbands:
The origin of the wristband as a marketing tool dates all the way back to 2004, when Lance Armstrong had a battle with cancer. This became a very public struggle before his “fall from grace”. Nike collaborated with his Armstrong Livestrong campaign, and using a silicone wristbands to do so. This is an ideal marketing method, as they are easy to manufacture, and people love to wear them. Because of this marketing strategy, the Livestrong campaign became a huge success.
Rise to power:
With the success of such a marketing device already in motion, it was only a matter of time before other companies or campaigns began to follow suit. The next generation of people who used the wristband as a marketing ploy went down the charitable route as a way to raise awareness for charities, as opposed to as a way that made money. After 2004, the true power and potential of the wristband became apparent, and it was shown that people would wear a wristband to show support for a cause.
Music festivals, such as Glastonbury have shown that festival goers are willing to wear their festival wristbands months after the festival has ended. This means free advertising for the event even after it is over. Now that the potential has been revealed for wristbands, everyone is capitalising on them, the marketing potential is so quick and effective. After the boom of the silicone wristbands between 2004 and 2007, the silicone wristband has since then become an iconic and sure-fire traditional marketing method.